City council names solicitor to two-year term
THOMASVILLE — Thomasville City Council members appointed a Thomasville attorney as Municipal Court solicitor.
Council member David Hufstetler made a motion to appoint Bill Bass Jr. The second to the motion was made by Council member Jay Flowers. All council members voted in favor.
Bass was appointed to a two-year term.
The council interviewed four applicants for the position.
“I don’t think the solicitor should be part of a political discussion,” Flowers told fellow council members prior to the vote.
Said Mayor Greg Hobbs, “It is a political appointment, and one council cannot bind another council.”
Bass has had a Thomasville law practice for six years.
“I’ve been working in misdemeanor courts more than 22 years,” said Bass, who will prosecute Municipal Court cases.
He holds a juris doctor from Mercer University School of Law and is a member of the Georgia Bar Association.
Bass is licensed to represent clients in the Georgia Court of Appeals, Georgia Supreme Court and Middle, Southern and Northern U.S. District courts in Georgia.
He has been appointed to sit as judge in cases.
Bass’ annual solicitor salary will be $23,040.
Senior reporter Patti Dozier can be reached at (229) 226-2400, ext. 1820