Colquitt County eSports teams prepare for playoffs
MOULTRIE, Ga. — It seems like yesterday when news broke of the creation of the Packers eSports team. Fast forward about three months and the team has gained national attention with HBO’s Vice doing a documentary and other schools asking to sit in on the program.
Five of the eight Colquitt County High teams have qualified for the state playoffs, which start Jan. 8.
Coach Barry Stinson was surprised that the team had these many players make it to the state playoff with most of the team having little to no experience playing League of Legends, the online game that the Packers team participates in.
“To get five out of eight teams is very good,” said Stinson. “I’m surprised because this is a difficult game to learn, each lane is unique and each character is unique plus it takes time for a player to find their spot. I’m more surprised during Season 0 (that) so many players were able to find their spot and maximize their potential.”
The playoffs are scheduled right after students return from winter break. Both of the team’s coaches had to think of a way to keep their players ready and minimize the chance of rust. They decided to have practice every day during winter break from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Coach Ashley Hodge didn’t expect many to show up but once again these group of students surprised her.
“I thought it would be difficult to get teenagers to get up at 10 a.m. during winter break; however, the first day I came to open the doors, there were about 25 students already outside waiting to get started,” Hodge said. “It’s nice to see that they are dedicated to the sport.”
Both coaches said, whatever happens this season, they want the people to know that they are trying to build a legitimate program that will last for years to come.