Downtown ready for Small Business Saturday

This Saturday, November 24, the City of Thomasville wants to share Small Business Saturday with you. If you’re not familiar with this special day, it’s dedicated to supporting small businesses across the country to help communities thrive and stay vibrant.

Founded by American Express in 2010 and celebrated each year the Saturday after Thanksgiving, Small Business Saturday focuses on the “Shop Small” nationwide movement to show support as a nation for small business owners and communities. The US Retail Industry reports that for every $100 you spend at locally owned businesses, $68 will stay in the community compared to only $43 when spent at a national chain.

“When you shop local, you are embracing what makes your community unique, which is why Thomasville is a destination for both shopping and dining,” said April Norton, City of Thomasville Main Street and Business Development Director. “While supporting the small business owners, you are in return conserving your tax dollars, helping the environment and you are creating local jobs.”

Thomasville’s Downtown merchants hope the community will use this day to do some holiday shopping and then dine in one of our restaurants to top off the day. Consumers are the key part in helping small businesses thrive, and by shopping or dining at small businesses on Small Business Saturday, you’re showing support for your community.

For more information on Downtown Thomasville’s Small Business Saturday or any other downtown event, visit or call (229) 228-7977. For more information on American Express® Small Business Saturday, visit

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