MOPS of Thomasville Prepares for First Meeting of New Year
The Thomasville MOPS Chapter is excited to announce they will soon be reconvening for the first meeting of the school year.
MOPS (Mother of Preschoolers) began in 1973 when a group of moms with young children banded together to share their lives and parenting journeys. Over the past 48 years, MOPS has grown into a community larger than the group of women could have ever expected. It now expands to more than 70 countries.
Cammie Hungerford is the local MOPS Coordinator, but has been a part of MOPS for years.
She said the Chapter is open to any mother of school-age children and childcare is provided during the meetings.
While some moms who attend are stay-at-home moms or mothers who have flexible schedules with their work, Hungerford said they don’t want any mother to feel left out, and often offer Mom’s Nights Out in the evenings for women who work during the day. She said they encourage all the mothers who are able to participate during their morning activities to reach out to those who can’t for the evening activities as well.
Hungerford estimates approximately 20 mothers are usually in attendance during their monthly meeting, but she hopes to expand their reach.
Each meeting features a guest speaker, and while most of the talk is relational and conversational about kids, they are open to talking about any issue that may arise.
“We have speakers come almost every meeting,” Hungerford said. “We have had therapists come and talk about childhood development and we are hoping to have the police come and talk about proper carseats and about safety in general for children.”
However, something serious isn’t always on the docket. Hungerford said moms will often volunteer to talk about various things, such as organization, gardening tips or meal plans for the week.
In fact, the speaker for the first meeting of the year will be what Hungerford refers to as a “Mentor Mom.”
A Mentor Mom is a mother who has grown children, but comes back to help and mentor younger mothers, who may be overwhelmed during this new phase of life.
This particular Mentor Mom will be speaking on organization and how to declutter, as the kids return back to school and fall approaches.
Hungerford said MOPS is not only a way to get great life advice, but develop life-long friendships as well.
“I’m not from Thomasville,” she said. “I’ve made the most fantastic friends, though. These women have helped me pickup my kids from school and are there when I need them. It just makes you feel like you’re not alone in motherhood.”
It’s not only the moms who make friends, either.
Hungerford said the kids love playing with each other and often become friends outside the group, regardless of their background.
“It’s a place for everyone,” she said. “We are founded on Christian principles, but we welcome anyone with any religious background.”
Hungerford hopes mothers who need a friend and children who are looking to make friends will attend their first meeting on Tuesday, September 13 at the First Presbyterian Student Ministry Building, located on 110 North Crawford Street, from 9-11 a.m. Coffee and a light breakfast will be provided.
To learn more information, follow @MOPSOFTHOMASVILLE on Facebook.