Putnam’s bus tour coming to O’Brien
O’BRIEN — The bus tour launching Adam Putnam’s run for governor will hit Suwannee County on Saturday.
Putnam, Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture, will be in O’Brien for a Suwannee County Grassroots BBQ at the Gaylard Family Farm at noon Saturday. The free event, which will end a 10-day tour across the state for the Republican, is located at 7183 240th Street, O’Brien.
Pre-registration is available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/suwannee-valley-grassroots-bbq-tickets-34257390778, with on-site registration also available.
There will be live music and barbecue.
According to Putnam’s campaign, he is running to “ensure that every Floridian has the freedom and opportunity to pursue his or her American Dream.”
Putnam’s plan to put Florida First includes strengthening the economy, increasing access to high-quality education, keeping the state safe and borders secure, defend the lives of the unborn, honor those who have served and protect Second Amendment rights.
Putnam announced last Wednesday in his hometown of Bartow his candidacy for governor to replace Rick Scott, who is serving his second term.
Putnam is the first Republican to declare his candidacy for the governor’s seat.
Gwen Graham, the former U.S. Representative from District 2 that now includes Suwannee and Lafayette counties, Andrew Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee, and Chris King, a businessman from Orlando, have all announced their intent to run for the Democratic nomination.
The election is still 18 months out.