May angels lead you in
Published 11:44 am Sunday, August 27, 2023
Editor’s Note: Out of respect and privacy, no names will be used in this column.
I was 16 years-old and had just gotten my license, when one of my underclassmen friends texted me and asked if I could pick up her and a few others for YoungLife. It was Muckfest- the biggest and messiest event of the year. Naturally, I agreed. I picked up her, along with three others. One of the girls I picked up was among the most popular in the sophomore class.
Despite being older, I felt privileged to be in her presence. She made me feel important, special even.
What started as just one ride to YoungLife, quickly turned into years of friendship. Almost every Saturday night, we could be found at the movies, Sonic, hanging out at my house or just riding around, gossiping about the latest happenings in both our grades. She began to date a guy in the senior class, so we spent even more time together at Homecoming and Prom. I considered her, along with the other girls I had come to know in the sophomore class, close friends. They were there for birthdays, graduation parties and they day I left for college.
While I was unable to spend as much time as I would’ve liked with them, the popular one, decided to attend University of Alabama. I rushed her in hopes she would join my sorority and we would become sisters and even closer friends than we already were.
The day I found out our house wasn’t quite a fit for her, I wasn’t sad or mad, I texted my friends in other houses and made sure she was top of the list. I wanted the best for her. I wanted her to be happy.
Being in separate houses, we didn’t see each other as much, but she was still a presence in my life. When I had my seizure and had to go home, despite not having a car, she gave me rides all the way back to Albany- an easy 5 hour drive and never once questioned it.
But, everything changed my senior year of college. She got diagnosed with cancer. If that wasn’t enough, her sister was diagnosed with a separate type of cancer at the exact same time.
I was devastated. She left Alabama temporarily and received treatment, fighting like the warrior we all knew she was. By the time she returned, I had graduated, but there was no doubt in my mind, she would do great things.
She went on to graduate and moved to Tallahassee, becoming a child life specialist at the hospital. At the time, I was living in Bainbridge, only a short drive away. However, she was often busy with her job and the times never worked out.
While there, she went for her checkup and found she had cancer again. She completed round two of treatments, but this time she had someone new on her side. She had met the one and they would be getting married.
After completing her treatment, she got married and had the ceremony and wedding she deserved more than anyone.
But, the fairy tale was short lived. She now has cancer for the third time and it has moved into her spine and brain. She has entered hospice and her body can no longer continue to fight.
I can’t pretend to understand how someone as beautiful, bright and amazing as her can have this be their ending. I can’t understand why someone so special would be taken so young.
I know the days she has left are limited, and I regret nothing more than not spending more time with her and getting to know her sooner than I did. I am so blessed and thankful for all the times we did have though, and they’ll forever be in my memories. I hope she knows it’s going to be okay, we are going to help her family and husband get through this. I want her to be at peace and know more than anything else, she has changed this world for the better.
May angels lead you in my sweet friend.
I love you forever.