Tuesday is election day after virus-related postponements
Published 2:08 pm Friday, June 5, 2020
- Scoggins
THOMASVILLE —Despite COVID-19’s interference with 2020 elections, election day is on for Tuesday.
Along with the primary election, those who did not vote in the March presidential preference primary (PPP) may do so Tuesday.
The primary election was scheduled for May, but postponed until June 9 because of coronavirus concerns.
“The (Tuesday) combination ballot consists of the March PPP and the May general primary/non-partisan ballot,” said Frank Scoggins, Thomas County elections supervisor.
Polling places in Thomas County’s 20 precincts will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday.
Jerger and Scott polling places will be at the Thomas County Public Library, 201 N. Madison St., Scoggins said.
Patten and Pavo polling places consolidated to Pavo City Hall, while Coolidge and Merrillville polling places consolidated to Coolidge City Hall.
Scoggins said between 125 to 150 poll workers will be on duty Tuesday — 25 percent to 30 percent more than in the past. Additional workers are needed because of new state-issued voting equipment.
“We want to ensure everything is done correctly and with efficiency and to help introduce the new system to voters,” Scoggins said.
The new system will generate a paper ballot after the voter has voted on a touch screen. The paper ballot will be produced and scanned before the voter exits the polling lace.
“All ballots will be scanned at the polling paces and kept under lock and key,” Scoggins said.
The elections office has received 3,000 absentee ballots, which will continue to be accepted until 7 p.m. Tuesday.
Because of the virus and postponement of elections, the state mailed each Georgia registered voter an application for an absentee ballot.
Early voting ended Friday. Scoggins said about 600 voters had cast ballots by the end of the day Thursday. He expected another couple of hundred early votes to be cast on Friday.
Thomas County has about 31,000 active voters.
“Between the two (political) parties, it’s about an equal amount for each one,” Scoggins said, in reference to Republican and Democrat ballot choices by voters.
It is preferred that Tuesday voters wear masks.
“We will be in compliance with Centers for Disease Control guidelines, and we will sanitize the voting equipment as they vote,” the elections supervisor said.
Election results will appear on a large screen at the 1402 E. Jackson St. elections office Tuesday night. Seating will be provided.
Senior reporter Patti Dozier can be reached at (229) 226-2400, ext. 1820