TFR observing Fire Prevention Week
Published 3:24 pm Monday, October 4, 2021
The City of Thomasville and Thomasville Fire Rescue will recognize National Fire Prevention Week October 3-9.
Fire Prevention Week has been observed publicly since 1922 and was officially proclaimed for national observance in 1925 by President Calvin Coolidge. Fire Prevention Week remains the longest-running public health observance in the United States.
This year’s theme is “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety!” The campaign works to educate everyone about the different sounds smoke and carbon monoxide alarms make.
“What do the sounds mean? Is there a beep or a chirp coming out of your smoke or carbon monoxide alarm? During Fire Prevention Week, we hope to answer these important and potentially life-saving questions,” said Thomasville Fire Rescue Chief Tim Connell. “It is important for families to have a plan in place for when an alarm sounds. Preparation can be the difference between a safe escape and a tragedy.”
In preparation for Fire Prevention Week, TFR would like to share the following important safety tips to help you “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety”:
• A continuous set of three loud beeps — beep, beep, beep — means smoke, fire or carbon monoxide. Get out, call 9- 1-1, and stay out.
• A single chirp every 30 or 60 seconds means the battery is low and must be changed.
• All smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms must be replaced after 10 years.
• Chirping that continues after the battery has been replaced means the alarm is at the end of its life and the unit must be replaced.
• Make sure your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms meet the needs of all your family members, including those with sensory or physical disabilities.
Over the last several weeks, TFR has visited various local schools to help educate children on important fire safety tips.
“TFR is proud to support this year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign, ‘Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety,’ through our various meet and greets with children at our local schools,” Chief Connell said. “Beginning on Monday, October 4, our Facebook page, @OfficialThomasvilleFireRescue, will provide our community with a variety of daily fire safety tips. We thank everyone for taking the time to review the quick and easy life-saving tips that we will share.”
According to Chief Connell, fire and carbon monoxide safety education is not only for school children.
“Teenagers, adults, and the elderly are also at risk in fires and for carbon monoxide poisoning, making it important for every member of our community to be properly educated on fire safety,” he said. “We hope that our residents will take time during Fire Prevention Week to review the helpful educational resources we will be providing throughout the week.”
TFR also reminds residents to check their smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms and change the batteries twice each year during the time changes.
“Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, November 7,” Chief Connell said. “We encourage you to check your alarms to be sure they are operating correctly or contact us for free home smoke alarm and carbon monoxide inspections and installations.”