TCRC group invited to Lt. Governor’s office during field trip

Published 11:04 am Monday, July 24, 2023

THOMASVILLE- The Thomasville Community Resource Center BOOST and 21st CCLC program students returned from a field trip to the Atlanta Capitol Building last week, where they were personally invited into Lieutenant Governor Burt Jones’ office.

According to Program Manager Tawana Hines, the TCRC takes the students on a different field trip each week of the summer. All of trips are grant funded and educationally-based. The students have traveled to the Jacksonville Zoo, Georgia Aquarium, National Civil Rights Museum, University Coastal Marine Lab and Go Fish Education Center in Perry thus far.

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The Georgia Capitol Building is one of their last trips, but a favorite among teachers and students alike.

Hines said during their time at the Georgia Captiol the students had a variety of new experiences. They were able to visit while Christine King Farris, the late sister of Martin Luther King Jr., lied in state under the Gold Dome.

Hines said the TCRC was unaware this would be taking place, but was happy the children got to see the lasting impact of a woman, who had such a lasting impact on the world.

While touring the building, Denise Sampson, Director of Constituent Services and Assistant to the Lieutenant Governor, noticed Hines’ group and their model behavior.

“We had over 100 children on tour, so we split them into groups,” Hines explained. “My group was touring, when we were invited into the Lieutenant Governor’s office by Mrs. Sampson.”

Hines was in shock, saying she has toured the capitol nearly seven times on these field trips, and this was the first time any of the groups had ever been invited to partake in this behind-the- scenes look at the Lieutenant Governor’s office.

“It was very rare,” Hines said. “I was more excited than the kids I think; It was truly a blessing.”

Sampson allowed the kids to peak inside the office of Jones, before taking them to the Senate Floor and showing them where laws are passed.

“It’s something many of the kids have seen on t.v., but never thought they would see in person,” Hines said. “The kids were just really amazed.”

Hines was especially excited students from Grady County were able to witness this, as this is the first time in years the BOOST program has been offered to kids in Grady County.

“It’s really a blessing,” Hines said. “This is the first time bringing back the BOOST program to Grady County in years. The 21st CCLC used to be there, but it’s no longer offered.”

Both programs and field trips are free to the students, allowing them to expand their minds without having to worry about any financial burdens.

Hines said although the summer field trips are concluding, field trips will be offered throughout the school year on Saturdays.

“Once a month, we will go on educational field trips,” Hines said. “All students will be invited to attend for free.”

These field trips are for students in grades Pre-K through fifth, with the TCRC expanding their Pre-K program and offerings.

For those seeking more information about getting their children involved in either one of these programs, contact Hines.