Rodeo Royalty Contest crowns Cairo girl
Published 8:59 pm Monday, October 2, 2023
- QUEENS IN THE RING: Pictured left to right is Tiny Princess Jenna Claire Harrison, Queen Savannah Cato and Princess Ginsie Dewitt.
CAIRO- The Georgia Florida Youth Rodeo hosted the Rodeo Royalty Contest on Friday, September 22, 2023. The contest consisted of 7 girls ranging in ages 5-15, who competed for the Tiny Princess, Princess and Queen titles. The competition hosted 3 categories that were judged by a panel of 3 judges, Cindy Wynn, Julie Murphy and Megan Mcloud.
The first category was public speaking in which the contestants presented a 1-3 minute speech. After the public speaking portion, each contestant had a personal interview. During the interview, the contestants were asked questions related to the sport of rodeo. The last category was Horsemanship where the Princess and Queen contestants entered the arena to show their horsemanship skills with their equine partners. Each age division was given a pattern to complete showing their handle of their horse.
The crowning was held on Saturday.
Titles were presented as follows:
Tiny Princess Jenna Claire Harrison, 5 of Cairo, Ga.
Princess Ginsie Dewitt, 9 of Morven, Ga.
Queen Savannah Cato, of Woodbine, Ga.