Judge: Lindsay Shiver can return home for the holidays

Published 12:03 pm Tuesday, December 26, 2023

THOMASVILLE- Thomasville mother Lindsay Shiver has been approved to return to the U.S. for the holidays, per ABC News.

Shiver, who was accused of conspiring with two men, Terrance Bethel and Farron Newbold Jr., to murder her estranged husband, Robert Shiver pled not guilty on Friday, December 8, 2023.

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According to ABC News, Lindsay was gifted the ultimate Christmas present by a Bahamian judge on Thursday, December 21, when she was granted permission to leave the Bahamas to visit her children and family in Alabama for the holidays.

However, not all were happy with the judge’s decision.

Reportedly, Robert said during the hearing that he was “thankful to be alive and feared for his and his three sons’ safety.”

The judge took this under consideration but ultimately decided Lindsay could return to the United States, following specific conditions.

Lindsay must keep on her ankle monitor and is barred from visiting Georgia, where Robert is residing.

An exception to this condition is when divorce and custody hearings are taking place. However, even during hearings, Lindsay is not allowed to contact Robert. ABC News reported Lindsay will be staying with her parents during the duration of the trial.

Lindsay’s attorney Owen Wells told Court TV that his client was “thankful the court agreed to let her return to the U.S. so she can see her children.”

Wells went on to state that Lindsay’s “attorneys will continue to prepare for trial and look forward to vigorously defending her because she is innocent,” while she visits her children and family.

Lindsay is expected to return to the Bahamas in March for the commencement of her trial in the Supreme Court.