NEW Museum to host Mother’s Day Tea
Published 10:28 am Tuesday, April 29, 2008
THOMASVILLE — Get an early start on celebrating mom Monday with Lapham-Patterson House’s Mother’s Day Tea.
“Our teas have become very popular and we thought this would be a nice tribute, as Victorians saw motherhood as the highest aspiration a woman could achieve,” Cheryl Walters, curator, said. “In the days when everyone had to recite poetry, most recited poems were always about mother.”
The museum is inviting mothers, daughters, grandchildren and ladies and gentlemen wanting to celebrating motherhood or impending motherhood to have tea with its staff and volunteers.
“Mother’s Day didn’t become a holiday until really the beginning of the 20th century,” Walters said. “It’s not one of the holidays that came naturally to people’s minds but was campaigned for heavily in Congress. The president endorsed it, Congress approved it and Mother’s Day came first, with Father’s Day much later.”
Seating is limited to 20 so reservations should be made early, Walters encouraged. Tickets include museum admission.
“Tickets are on a first come, first serve basis,” she said. “Participants can take a tour of the museum while they are here.”
The event will last approximately 90 minutes and door prizes will also be awarded to some participants.
A variety of sandwiches and pastries will be prepared for the event so guests will have something to much on while they sip their tea.
“Every time we have a tea, the volunteers get together and we build the menu,” Walters explained. “We try to put together ‘fabricated fancies’ to delight our guests.”
Voncile Jones, interpretative ranger, encouraged people to attend the event not only for the tea but also for the uniqueness of the venue.
“If you want to treat your mother to a relaxing afternoon in preparation for the big Mother’s Day present you’re contemplating, bring her out to our tea for an afternoon of relaxation,” she said. “We’re in one of the most unusual dining rooms in the world and will be seated right at Mr. Lapham’s dining room table! This means moms will get the chance to see just why we think this is one of the most unusual but beautiful places to have a tea.”
What: Mother’s Day Tea
When: 3:30 p.m. Monday
Where: Lapham-Patterson House, 626 N. Dawson St.
Tickets: $20 per person
Reservations: 225-4004, must be made by 5 p.m. Saturday