God is faithful, always

Published 3:00 pm Sunday, January 24, 2021

As I was writing my January newsletter to my partners, family, and friends, I realized something all over again. God is faithful!  Time after time my reflection of 2020 was not about the bad things that happened but about the good things and the faithfulness of God. 

What is faithfulness? Faithfulness is the act of being true to your word or promise. It’s the ability to follow through on commitments with dedication. The Bible offers many old testament examples of faithfulness, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Noah, Ruth, David, Elijah, and Elisha to mention a few. 

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Likewise, the new testament is filled with examples of faithful men and women who expanded the kingdom of God through their faithfulness — Mary, Joseph, Peter, James and John, Cornelius, Priscilla and Aquilla, Barnabas,  Paul, Timothy, and Mark to name a few. However, the scripture mostly expounds the faithfulness of God to the world and to individuals. 

One of my favorite faithfulness scriptures is found in Lamentations. “Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” Lamentations 3:22-23.

Every morning God’s love, compassion and faithfulness arrives to comfort and guide us. He is faithful and always on time!

In the Godtube article, “10 Awesome Quotes About God’s Faithfulness,” Mar 27, 2020 – Crystal McDowell, we fine wisdom and understanding concerning God’s faithfulness.

“Many times, we mistakenly compare God’s faithfulness to ours—sometimes on, sometimes off. However, God’s faithfulness is far beyond what we could ever succeed on our own. If there’s a measure of faithfulness accredited to us— it’s all because of His faithfulness that gives us the strength to do it. The following 10 quotes remind us of God’s everyday faithfulness:

No. 1) God’s faithfulness changes us.

“God’s finger can touch nothing but to mold it into loveliness” — George Macdonald.

No one who comes to Jesus Christ in sincerity and truth will remain the same. The faithfulness of God changes us from darkness to the light in Jesus our Lord. We are better people because of God’s faithfulness in mercy and transforming power.

No. 2) God’s faithfulness gives us value.

“God does not love us because we are valuable. We are valuable because God loves us.” — Fulton Sheen

The faithfulness of God is demonstrated by sacrificing His one and only Son, Jesus, for those who come to Him. Even we don’t value ourselves — He still values each and every living soul as worthy of being redeemed and set free from the power of sin.

No. 3) God’s faithfulness protects us.

“There is more safety with Christ in the tempest than without Christ in the calmest waters.” — Alexander Grosse

It is often in the valleys and storms of life that we begin to doubt God’s faithfulness. But how could we? He is faithful to never leave nor forsake us. In times of trouble, His faithfulness is most demonstrated even when we are most unaware of His presence.

No. 4) God’s faithfulness is enough for us.

“God’s strength behind you, His concern for you, His love within you, and His arms beneath you are more than sufficient for the job ahead of you.” — William Arthur Ward

Many of us are deceived into thinking we can handle things on our own. However, it’s the loving faithfulness of God who gives us all things to accomplish His will in our lives. Through His grace and faithfulness, we have everything necessary to finish well.

No. 5) God’s faithfulness sustains us.

“The same everlasting Father who care for you today will take care of you tomorrow, and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it…” — St. Francis de Sales.

Through the faithfulness of God, we are well able to do achieve great things for the kingdom. We will be tempted to worry and flee from our circumstances. Yet through the faithfulness of God, we can remain steadfast and hopeful in strength.

No. 6) God’s faithfulness cleanses us.

“God sometimes washes the eyes of His children with tears that they may read aright His providence and His commandments.” — Theodore L. Cuyler

No one loves a time of discipline that comes through the faithfulness of God. We resist painful situations because they reveal more clearly our sinful nature. Yet God is faithful to allow the right amount of pressure to cleanse us from our selfishness so we can be more readily used by Him.

No. 7) God’s faithfulness is revealed in us as we pray.

“Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance; it is laying hold of His highest willingness.” — Richard Chenevix Trench

The Lord is faithful to answer our prayers according to His will and not ours. Many times, we resist this because we are afraid that His will is not best. However, the faithfulness of God moves beyond our meager requests and presses us to see His glory in answered prayers in His will.

No. 8) God’s faithfulness is beyond us.

“O Lord, thou knowest how busy I must be this day. If I forget thee, do not thou forget me.” — Lord Ashley

Even as believers we can be consumed by our schedules — even those we make in God’s service. We sometimes lose our focus on God and move forward with our busyness. The Lord is faithful even we were aren’t and He will come through to remember us.

No. 9) God’s faithfulness is demonstrated by His power in and around us.

“It is impossible for that man to despair who remembers that his Helper is omnipotent.” — Jeremy Taylor

The power of God reveals His awesome faithfulness to us. He is faithful to deliver, heal, set free, bless, and protect us through His omnipotence. There is no power on earth greater than the Almighty God who is in control of our lives.

No. 10) God’s faithfulness is shown through His love for us.

“God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” — St. Augustine

When we were still in our sins and never gave one thought about God — He still had His hand over us. The love of our Father for His children is great and overcomes our weaknesses. We love Him because He first loved us —enduring and faithfully all along.

“If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself” 2 Timothy 2:13