Alton “Buddy” Williams concedes sheriff race

Published 12:27 pm Wednesday, November 9, 2016

LIVE OAK, Fla. — Alton K. “Buddy” Williams officially conceded the race for Suwannee County sheriff to Sam St. John, according to the supervisor of elections Glenda Williams.

The race for sheriff was too close to officially call Tuesday night with St. John at 8,799, Williams at 8,719 votes and Fred S. Martin receiving 956.

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St. John had 47.63 of the vote while Williams received 47.2 percent. That’s a difference of 0.43 percent.

In Florida elections, a victory by half of 1 percent or less triggers a recount for the race; a victory of a quarter of 1 percent or less triggers a hand recount, including overvotes and undervotes.

However, the recount is cancelled if one of the candidates concedes.

Williams conceded the race Tuesday night on Facebook, but needed to submit his concession in writing at the elections office for it to be official.

He submitted an official concession around 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, the elections office confirmed.