Bishop Hall Charter School hosts 2023 Graduation Ceremony

Published 2:21 pm Monday, May 22, 2023

THOMASVILLE- Friday evening, the Bishop Hall Charter School held their 2023 Graduation Ceremony in the Sherman B. Hall Gymnasium, recognizing their 51 graduates for their hard work and awarding diplomas. 

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Dr. Verna Wiggins welcomed the attending audience of friends and families, saying that this class had encountered obstacles, but fondly spoke of exceptional moments that she will always remember. 

“We have encountered some trials and tribulations, we have experienced exceptional moments,  magical moments, and created memories that will be fondly remembered in the years ahead,” Wiggins said. “Henry Ford wisely said, ‘coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is success. Everyone, success is seated before me.’”

Wiggins spoke to the class of 2023 and wished them well on their journey beyond Bishop Hall, saying that it was an honor to watch them reach this climax of their high school career. 

“Class of 2023, may your years ahead be characterized by empathy, compassion, objectivity and a willingness to take risks,” she said. “May you always lead by examples and work hard and play straight. May your success be many and your tribulations be few and between. We wish you everything that you so richly deserve in the years ahead. It has been an honor and a privilege watching your progress and success as your principal.”

Getting up to speak after Wiggins, Salutatorian Ashley Skinner welcomed her class to the ceremony and thanked those for their support in helping them reach this moment, before speaking on all that they had dealt with to get here. 

“We are the achieving class of 2023,” she said. “Our freshman year was interrupted by COVID-19, suddenly we began learning virtually, yet we are here today as members of the graduating class after many temperature checks, itchy masks, other precautions and too many exams to count, we made it. We pushed through with personal and virtual learning, when the world was changing right before our eyes, we held fast and we were determined to reach our goal.”

According to Skinner, the rough waters they tread through only made them better sailors and prepared them for the road ahead. 

“It has been said that rough waters make good sailors,” Skinner said. “The difficulty and adjustments that we have made in our high school career has strengthened our resolve to achieve and overcome every obstacle in our path.”

Once again thanking the staff and faculty of Bishop Hall and the friends and families that had come to the ceremony for their invaluable support, Skinner encouraged her peers to go out and impress the world. 

“Go out and show the world how amazing you are,” she said. 

After Parker Lirette led in the Pledge of Allegiance, Superintendent Dr. Lisa Williams stood up alongside Wiggins to officially accept the class of 2023. 

“It is with great pleasure that I accept this class,” Williams said. “And now, as Superintendent, on behalf of the state of Georgia and the Thomas County Board of Education, I certify that the young men and women receiving their diplomas this evening are eligible for high school graduation, congratulations.”

Upon Williams’ acceptance, Jeremy Rich, 2023 Teacher of the Year, introduced and recognized each of the 51 graduates, with Wiggins and Todd Creech awarding diplomas to each as they came to the stage.

Afterward, Valedictorian India Flood came up to once again thank the families and friends in the audience, before expressing gratitude to the staff and faculty of Bishop Hall and telling her fellow graduates to never doubt their capability, no matter the obstacle that faces them. 

“They have taught us so many lessons to help us grow to be the individuals we are today,” Flood said. “My fellow graduates, I would like to leave the following, the road ahead as we leave high school will not be easy, there will be challenges. However, whenever you feel that you cannot go on, you can.”