Letters to the Editor

Scarred families and still no help

Dear Editor, I promised myself after my wife’s suicide with a handgun almost two years ago that I ...

Letters to the Editor

Response to “Pennyworth” letter

I am writing in response to the “Pennyworth” letter that appeared in the Wednesday, November 1, 2023 Times ...

Letters to the Editor

Why I am voting against SPLOST

Even though the phrase “A penny saved is a penny earned” is often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, those ...

Letters to the Editor

Ryan Bradburn is the best answer for the City Schools BOE

Early voting has begun and we are now called to make our voices heard as we elect leaders ...

Letters to the Editor

Keep your pets safe this Halloween

To the Editor: Halloween is just around the corner. While we are all gearing up for some spooktacular ...

Letters to the Editor

GaDOE corrupts state’s new graduation rate law, tries to fool all the people all the time

Dear Editor: Apparently, Georgia Department of Education missed the memo attributed to Abraham Lincoln, warning: “You can fool ...

Letters to the Editor

Fears surrounding qualified immunity do not explain Georgia’s police officer recruitment troubles

In a September 21 Thomasville Times-Enterprise article, Deputy Commissioner Billy Hitchens of the Georgia Department of Public Safety ...

Letters to the Editor

Sharing my appreciation for the good people of Thomasville

Dear Editor, On Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2003, a devastating hurricane slammed into Taylor County and over Perry, FL. ...

Letters to the Editor

The PGA and Saudi Public Investment Fund are a sure bet

Dear Editor, Bad news is all over the place, particularly in the professional sports world, which is rife ...

Letters to the Editor

A call on the legislators to follow the law

To whom it may concern: We call on our Georgia state legislators to call an Emergency Special Session ...

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