
Keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheel, not the phone

It has been a little while since we have written about this but the problem has not gone ...


Black History Month an American story

Black History Month has a history of its own. The commemorative month was founded more than 100 years ...


Recognizing our COVID-19 heroes

We have a lot of heroes in our community.  The word hero is bandied about a bit too ...


Double down on masks, distancing

Wear your masks. COVID-19 has not gone away. In fact, it is surging with increased cases, hospitalizations and ...


Seeking unity in divided times

Just after noon today, the leadership of the nation and perhaps the rest of the free world will ...


Celebrate the life of Dr. King on more than his holiday

COVID-19 has affected just about everything in our lives. Our community’s annual celebrations in honor of the late ...


Even with vaccines here, keep sticking to COVID-19 precautions

The COVID-19 vaccine is here, though officials are struggling to get it out to the people who need. ...


Turnout for runoff shows voters care

Turnouts for runoffs often are low. Many times, the number of voters who care to cast their ballots ...


Past time for new 2021 resolutions

Time for some new New Year’s resolutions. People can still resolve to lose weight, stop smoking, spend more ...


On earth, peace and goodwill to mankind

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman ...

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