
As society opens up again, keep rolling up the sleeves for vaccine

We want to congratulate everyone who is helping to make our area one of the leaders in the ...


EDITORIAL: Good luck, graduates

Local families have celebrated this weekend with graduation ceremonies for Thomas County Central, Thomasville High, Brookwood School and ...


Saluting our men and women in the military on Armed Forces Day

This past Saturday was Armed Forces Day.  According to the U.S. Department of Defense, on Aug. 31, 1949, ...


Open government much better government

Open government is good government or, at the very least, it is better government. In order for government ...


100 years of the Rose Show is worth celebrating

It owes its roots to showing vegetables. One hundred years later, it is the event that has come ...


Make sure your pet has the right identification

Pets are a big part of a lot of people’s lives. For some, and really for many, they ...


Hang on just a little longer

We are so very close. Please don’t ruin it now.  COVID-19 is not over yet, but we are ...


Keep your focus on driving, not the phone, when on the road

Spring break is ending for most of our local schools, so those road trips that are associated with ...


He is risen

And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the ...


Even those who help those in need need help, too

They need help. Usually, they help us. They still want to help us. They are helping us. But ...

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