
Time running out to register to vote

You’ve heard it a lot: We are arguably facing the most important election of our lifetimes.  We say ...


Peaceful transfer of power a presidential hallmark

Agree or disagree with the President — whether it is this president, a past president, or one in ...


Prevent train track tragedy

Railroads run through our town and our history can be traced to the emergence of rail. While we ...


An enduring legacy of equality, advocacy and courage

She may have been small in stature, but she cast a giant figure across the American landscape.  Supreme ...


Protesters should not be silenced

There should always be a place for peaceful protests. In fact, there must be.  Nothing is more American ...


COVID is not over

Stop acting like COVID-19 is over. COVID-19 is not over. COVID-19 is far from over. Approximately 1,000 Americans ...


Get screened for prostate cancer

While health officials have stressed taking precautions and getting tested for COVID-19, people need to take care of ...


Celebrate the Constitution

U.S. Constitution Week is upon us. As historian Paul Johnson notes in his book, “A History of the ...


In the shadow of September 11

Hard to believe 19 years have passed since the events of Sept. 11, 2001. In some ways, it’s ...


Keep sleeping babies safe: Follow the ABCs

September is Baby Safety Month. A good time to remind parents of infants of a warning issued last ...

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