
Make some noise!

By Ann Nunnally It’s football season in the South! Actually, it’s football season across the US, but in ...

Faith and Values

WWII as seen through the eyes of a veteran

By Sheryl Boldt On December 7, 1941, Marie and Georges Schneider and their three teenage sons gathered around ...


Gaining the whole world

By Ralph Fudge After John baptized Jesus, the devil tempted Him. Satan led him to the top of ...

Faith and Values

Hopelessness is not God’s plan

By Ann Nunnally Many silent souls will go to work today, run their households, or volunteer at a ...


Things working for our good

By Tara Wentworth Do you believe that everything works together for good for those who love God? If ...


The human predicament

By Ralph Fudge Christian philosopher, Dr. William Lane Craig, said, “Man cannot live consistently and happily as though ...

Faith and Values

Be thankful and adapt to life’s surprises

By Ann Nunnally My brother lost his battle with cancer in October 2009. During the last six months ...

Faith and Values

How would you answer Bert’s question?

By Sheryl Boldt My husband, Bert, loves to greet people with a huge smile and a cheerful, “How ...


A good report

By Tara Wentworth I did make the three-day turnaround trip to Washington, DC, to participate in the Million ...

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