Works salvation
Published 9:32 pm Thursday, March 20, 2025
“Once saved, always saved.” This statement is a basic tenet of Southern Baptist faith. It is true and well supported by Scripture. But, it is also one of the most controversial of all our traditions.
Too many people are taught in church and at home that they must be “good” to go to Heaven. But, Jesus declared that no one on Earth is actually good (Mark 10:18). Thinking that one must be good to see Heaven is a mistaken notion engendered by Satan and proclaimed by ignorant preachers. They are thereby preaching “works salvation,” which the Apostle Paul roundly condemned and rejected. The Bible is clear that no one on Earth is without sin. It also asserts that it is impossible to earn, buy, or in any way deserve to see Heaven. Salvation is only through belief and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
When anyone denies the perseverance of the saints (once saved, always saved), I use, as the best example I know, the thief on the cross, when he and Jesus were being crucified. We know he attained Heaven that very day because the Lord promised it to him. So, what did he do to merit Heaven? Did he witness for the Lord? No. Did he go on mission trips? No. Did he attend conferences? No. There was absolutely no way this man could serve Christ, but he went to Heaven. Why? He did the one thing that was required. He repented and called on Jesus for salvation. That is all it took. That is still all it takes today.
Some will object that the thief never repented. But, he did. When he told his friend and rebuked him by asking, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong” (Luke 23: 40-41).That was repentance.
Repentance is required to be saved. It is a change in one’s attitude about both himself and Christ. Repentance is the realization and acknowledgment that one is not good and in need of a Savior. There is no room for pride in a repentant person. That is why proud people cannot be saved and are not saved. They feel they are good enough and have no need of a savior.
The other part of being saved is calling on Christ for salvation. Romans 10:13 declares, “For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Some will object that this is too simple. The truth is that one must repent in order to sincerely call on the name of the Lord. One must believe in Christ to call on Him. One must sincerely believe that He is the Son of God.
Other people, even some Christians, will object that anyone saved will want to do good deeds. This is true. But again, deeds are works, and no works count toward salvation. If they did, there would be no grace involved in the saving process. Grace is unmerited favor from God. It is never deserved and certainly never earned.
All of this means that the Gospel really is good news. In fact, it is the best news anyone has ever heard. It is the best news anyone will ever hear. That is why Jesus commissioned His followers and us to get the Word out. We and all saved persons should desperately wish to tell everyone this news that salvation is simple and free and requires no works at all.