FLOST Referendum early voting wraps up this week

Published 11:01 am Tuesday, March 11, 2025

THOMASVILLE- The final week of in-person early voting for the March 18 Referendum for Flexible Local Option Sales Tax (FLOST) for City and County Property Tax Relief is underway. 

Thomas County currently has a 4 cent State sales tax, a 1-cent local options sales tax (LOST), a 1-cent special purpose LOST (SPLOST), and a 1 cent Education SPLOST (ESPLOST), and it is proposing a 1 cent Flexible LOST (FLOST). 

If voter-approved, the FLOST would go into effect on July 1, 2025. 

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Georgia law mandates that all funds from the FLOST must be used to reduce property tax for all properties in Thomas County. The additional penny in sales tax would generate approximately $10.5-$11.3 million per year. It would be distributed to Thomas County and the six municipalities participating, based on each entity’s pro-rata share of the total county-wide property tax levy. 

It is estimated the total property tax levied by the participating local governments will be reduced by 56%. 

When the August 2026 property tax millage rates are set, FLOST revenues in 2025 will be rolled back off of the 2026 property taxes, resulting in an approximate 28% reduction in property taxes. 

However, when the August 2027 property tax millage rates are set, FLOST revenues collected in 2026 will be rolled off the 2027 property taxes, resulting in an approximate 56% reduction in property taxes. 

The FLOST, if passed, would run for 20 calendar quarters, ending on June 30, 2030. 

A renewal of the referendum for FLOST for an additional five years would require approval of the Georgia General Assembly and Thomas County voters. 

As of Tuesday, March 11, at 10:45 a.m. only 744 voters out of a registered 20,000 voters had cast their ballot. 

Poll workers reiterated that individuals who live in the city can also vote, as the City of Thomasville is located within Thomas County. 

Early voting will end on March 14. All voters will then be required to vote at their home precinct polling place on Election Day, March 18.