County, humane society at odds

Published 12:55 pm Saturday, December 10, 2022

Thomas County Commissioners intend to take no action on a “take it or leave it” proposal from the Thomasville-Thomas County Humane Society for renewal of the current animal control contract which runs out on December 31st of this year. Chairman Mark NeSmith polled Commissioners at a Purchasing Committee meeting today, and the Commissioners present were unanimous in their determination that the latest Humane Society proposal is not acceptable.

Despite their intent to decline action on the current Humane Society proposal, the county commissioners reminded the Humane Society that the county’s proposal of October 18 for contract renewal is still “on the table” and that Thomas County is willing and prepared to continue negotiations as long as is necessary to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Chairman Mark NeSmith, the current county representative, noted, “We have a long-standing partnership with the Humane Society that has served the community well, and we are hopeful an agreement renewal can be reached.”

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Stephanie Dodd Dougherty, Humane Society Chairman, submitted their proposal last Tuesday and advised county commissioners that the proposal was non-negotiable and demanded a response no later than December 14th. Commissioners cited the following deficiencies in the Humane Society proposal:

1. There is a lack of financial accountability for spending of public funds

2. There is refusal to permit County Commission representation on the Humane Society Board

3. There is a mandate that Thomas County will pay all program costs that exceed the contract price (essentially a blank check payable to the Humane Society)

4. There is no assurance that Georgia regulations related to rabies control will be followed

5. There is no provision defining the relationship between the Humane Society and the Sheriff’s Office

The current animal control contract went into effect on Jan. 1, 2013. 4.5% of Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) is obligated for county-wide animal control services. The Thomas County Board of Commissioners and all seven Thomas County municipalities approved a 10-year extension of the LOST and the distribution of revenue for county-wide animal control, recreation, library and economic development services. By virtue of an intergovernmental agreement the City of Thomasville provides recreation and economic development services while Thomas County provides animal control and library services.

By agreement since 1993, the Humane Society has provided animal control services for the county. In 2012 the agreement was renewed with a guarantee for the Humane Society to receive 71.5% of LOST funds obligated for animal control. In 2022 the Humane Society will receive over $350,000 from LOST funds toward a total Humane Society budget of about $1.0 million. Thomas County also spends about $40,000 per year maintaining the Humane Society’s animal control fleet. By comparison, the Colquitt County Humane Society is operating at about $450,000 in total annual expenses. The City of Moultrie and Colquitt County each contribute $125,000 annually to animal control operations of the Humane Society.

Commissioners present at the Purchasing Committee meeting reviewed the provisional animal control protocols for 911, to be used in the event no animal control agreement is reached with the Humane Society by Dec. 31.