Harper and Scott set to get new playgrounds

Published 9:35 pm Sunday, December 17, 2023

THOMASVILLE- The Thomasville City Schools Board of Education met for their regular meeting on Tuesday night, where the Board approved the purchase of materials for Harper and Scott Elementary’s new playgrounds.

TCS Director of Federal Programs Nathan Espy provided the BOE with details on what each new playground will include.

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The Harper Elementary playground will be funded through the Outdoor Learning Grant.

Espy explained Harper Elementary School Media Specialist Michele Sedam and Principal Pamela Cloud worked together to decide what playground equipment was best for their students.

“It took us a little bit to settle on something that was elementary-age appropriate for the equipment they wanted, but they’ve got a fitness court they wanted, which is good for preschool through fifth grade,” Espy said.

The designer of the playground Rob Kidney, who was a contestant on NBC’s The Biggest Loser, traveled down to Harper Elementary to take a look at the space, take measurements, and share what was needed.

“I was just very impressed,” Espy told the Board. “He’s the one who is doing the labor, mulch, and equipment.”

While taking measurements at Harper, Kidney traveled over to Scott Elementary, where he will also be designing their new playground.

Scott Elementary is getting two upgrades.

“Scott is going to have a Pre-K playground upgrade, as well as the playground area that’s by the Center for the Arts,” Espy said. “It’s overdue. I was at Scott and we struggled with some equipment needs there. We tried to fix it with maintenance, but we could never get it where we wanted it to.”

Espy said at the time, the playground was safe for the kids, but did have to board off sections temporarily.

“This will just be a great addition for the kids and staff to enjoy those things,” he said.

Superintendent Dr. Fred Rayfield thanked Espy for the information, explaining the playground upgrades wouldn’t have been possible without Sedam’s securement of the Outdoor Learning Grant.

“Because she took care of Harper, we can help Scott Elementary with their playground,” he concluded. “It’s a huge win for all of us. That equipment was long overdue for replacement.”