GHSA Numbers: THS reclassified into A-D1
Published 8:04 pm Thursday, November 2, 2023
THOMASVILLE – The Thomasville Bulldogs’ future athletic home will be in the A-D1 classification, according to the Georgia High School Association (GHSA) reclassification numbers for 2024-26.
Thomasville High’s 2023 FTE (full time equivalent) number is 745, but with a multiplier, it increases to 815. Fannin County is the top school in the classification with a 2023 FTE number of 886 and total number of 900.
Thomasville is one of 84 schools reclassified into A-D1 with 68 being football schools. Based on other South Georgia schools in the classification, which includes Berrien, Worth County, Fitzgerald, Brooks County, Pelham and Early County, it could make next year’s Region 1 very familiar for Thomasville High fans.
“I had put together some numbers based on spring enrollment and after looking at them and seeing where our numbers were compared to everyone around here and knowing with the new rules about the multiplier, I knew we were going to drop because it was what we argued last time,” said Thomasville High athletic director Jeremy Rayburn. “All of these kids that are in our school and out of district have been here since elementary school. I think last time our multiplier was 151, but 112 of those kids have been in the Thomasville City Schools since before the fifth grade.
“Knowing that and looking at those numbers and when they did the percentages in early October when they voted on that, you had a good feeling that’s where we were going to be. It’s going to pretty much be the same double-A region we were in prior to being pushed up to 3-A because of the multiplier last time.”
Schools that wish to appeal their enrollment figure or request to play in a higher classification must do so before noon on Wednesday, Nov. 8.