Cairo Fire Department holds inaugural 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb

Published 9:16 am Monday, September 11, 2023

CAIRO- The Cairo Fire Department hosted their inaugural 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb on Saturday evening at Cairo High School, where approximately 30 firefighters, dressed in full turnout gear, attempted to climb the 2,200 flights of stairs that the New York Fire Department were forced to climb on September 11, 2001.

The event began with Whigham’s Boy Scout Troop 383 raising the flag to half mast, before Grady County Chamber of Commerce President Jennifer Jarvis sang the National Anthem.

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Upon the conclusion of the National Anthem, runners took to the CHS football field, before climbing the stadium stairs, while holding two different commemorative flags, including one with the names of all who perished in the events from 9/11.

Bystanders watched as “I’m Proud to be an American” blared over the speakers and firefighters, along with 13 members of the general public began to climb the stairs.

CFD Chief Cole Prince was pleased with the event and the display of grit from both residents and his team.

“I think it went very well,” he said. “We got started on the event a little late, but we had 30 firefighters take part and around 13 folks from the community.”

Prince said none of the firefighters were able to complete the climb in their full turnout gear, but notes that wasn’t the intent.

“It was a way to remember those who gave themselves and made the ultimate sacrifice on that day,” he said. “I thank everyone who came out and I ask that they always remember those who gave everything, not just on 9/11.”

One of the individuals who took part in the Memorial Stair Climb was City Manager Julian Brown.

Brown not only took part in the activity as City Manager, but as a volunteer with the Grady County Fire Department.

“I thought it went really well,” Brown said. “It gives the public a small taste of what the firefighters went through on that day.”

Brown said he was not required to participate, but wanted to do so. While the climb was definitely a challenge, Brown hopes the event is something CFD continues to put on year after year, as he would love to see attendance grow.

Prince agreed, saying the event is something he hopes to build on next year. In order to build on the event, Prince said they will need additional sponsorships to help with activities for children to participate in, while their parents make the climb.

Anyone interested in helping with the 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb is encouraged to contact Prince.