As society opens up again, keep rolling up the sleeves for vaccine

Published 12:19 pm Saturday, May 22, 2021

We want to congratulate everyone who is helping to make our area one of the leaders in the state for getting COVID-19 vaccines.

Whether you’re getting a dose of Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine, you’re helping to stop the spread of the pandemic. 

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Now, according to the state Department of Public Health, more than 30% of Georgia residents have been fully vaccinated. More than a quarter, 27%, of Thomas County residents have been fully vaccinated. Grady County’s total is at 23%, but between the two counties, nearly 18,000 have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have adjusted their guidelines and now if you have been fully vaccinated, the CDC says wearing a mask or socially distancing is not necessary.

However, if you still feel more comfortable wearing a mask, don’t let that deter you. If you feel more comfortable keeping a social distance. 

The CDC says the vaccines are effective at preventing COVID-19, and the Pfizer and Moderna types are 94-95% effective. The vaccines, the CDC states, reduce the risk of people spreading COVID-19. 

Doctors and scientists are still learning about the vaccines, such as the duration of their effectiveness. 

In the meantime, the more people who get vaccinated, the more, hopefully, the rate of infections will continue to decrease. And the fewer people who get infected, the closer we can get back to pre-pandemic normalcy.