Pebble Hill Plantation presents ‘Call of the Wild’

Published 8:10 pm Tuesday, June 8, 2021

THOMASVILLE — Pebble Hill Plantation in Thomasville announces the upcoming program, “Calls of the Wild – Frogs and Toads of Georgia,” on Saturday, June 19 from 7-8:30 p.m. The program will be presented by Phil Spivey, Wildlife Biologist with the Wildlife Conservation Section of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

Have you ever wondered what animal makes that peep sound in your backyard or that bellow in the bushes near your pond? Put on your wellies and wading pants and join Mr. Spivey for an adventure to learn more about the sounds and behaviors of the frogs and toads that call Georgia home. Participants will need to dress appropriately for hiking and exploring Pebble Hill’s wetland habitats.

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The program will begin at 7 p.m. in the Pebble Hill Learning Center where Spivey will present the unique calls and life histories of Georgia’s 32 frog and toad species. He will share techniques on how to identify frogs and toads by their specific calls and by physical characteristics for each species. Participants will complete the program by driving their vehicles to Pebble Hill’s wetland and pond habitats where they can put their newly-acquired identification skills to the test! Mr. Spivey will guide participants to explore these habitats in hopes of hearing the flock of tiny sheep call of the eastern narrow-mouthed toad or see the gold flecked-back of the green treefrog, Georgia’s state amphibian.

Spivey grew up in eastern North Carolina and developed an early fascination for reptiles and amphibians, especially snakes. He attended the University of Georgia and completed his master of science researching the ecology of diamondback terrapins working under Dr. Whit Gibbons, the South’s most energetic and influential herpetologist. Spivey has worked in the Red Hills now for almost 20 years and specializes in longleaf pine ecology.

Tickets are $20 per adult and $10 per child (ages 8-12; This program is not recommended for children under age 8.). Space is limited and advance registration is required by Friday, June 18. Visit to register.

Pebble Hill Plantation is a historic home with a history dating back to the early 1800s. The plantation was established by one of Thomas County’s founders, Thomas Jefferson Johnson. At the turn of the 20th century, the Hanna family of Cleveland, Ohio purchased the property and enjoyed it as their winter home and sporting estate. Pebble Hill has been open for tours since October 1983 due to the generosity of its last owner, Elisabeth (Pansy) Ireland Poe, who willed that her property be opened to the public. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Pebble Hill offers visitors the chance to learn the rich history of this historic site and the people who once lived and worked here.

For more information, visit the Pebble Hill website, call (229) 226-2344, or visit Pebble Hill on Facebook and Instagram using @pebblehillplantation.

Event at a Glance

Date:  Saturday, June 19, 2021

Time: 7-8:30 p.m.

Location: Pebble Hill Plantation Learning Center

Fees: $20/Adult; $10/Child (ages 8-12) program not recommended for children under age 8

Registration deadline: Friday, June 18, 2021

To register:

Advance registration is required

For additional information, visit: or call 229-226-2344.