County schools prepare for virus protection

Published 2:53 pm Thursday, July 23, 2020

THOMASVILLE — The 2020-21 school year start date for Thomas County Schools is on hold pending a possible ruling by the Georgia State Board of Education, which meets Thursday.

The start date tentatively has been set for Monday, Aug. 10.

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“As we continue to receive updated reopening guidance from the Georgia Department of Education, the governor’s office, the Centers for Disease Control, and other state and local officials, we will also continue to keep our parents and employees informed on any changes to our school reopening plans,” Superintendent Dr. Lisa Williams said.

All system updates are reported on the system’s website — — and social media pages.

“We will also contact parents and staff directly using school system communication tools, including IC messenger and our One Call phone service,” Williams said.

Joey Holland, school system deputy superintendent for finance, said the system has made significant purchases for the upcoming school year to protect students and staff from potential COVID-19 virus spread. County schools have made purchases totaling $135,000 so far, and the school system has an initial budget of $400,000 specifically for protective supplies and equipment. 

“The total budget will be increased if needed,” Holland said.

Items purchased include:

• 300 thermometers

• 16,000 reusable cloth face masks for students and staff

• 30,000 disposable face masks

• Hand sanitizer in 32-ounce and gallon pump containers

• Mounted hand sanitizer dispensers for buses

• Sanitizing wipes, disinfectant spray and sneeze guards for reception areas in each school

Holland said staff members have been surveyed, and the school district will purchase face shields and N95 face masks for each person requesting them.

Because of the limitation on use of water fountains, the school district will receive refillable water bottles from a community business partner. A supply of 400 cases of water will be distributed throughout the school system to begin the year to meet additional student need.

“Administrators and teachers have had conversations this summer to discuss many ‘what if’ instances related to the virus pandemic and we feel we are as prepared as can be in regard to personal protective equipment and sanitizing supplies,” Holland said. “We will monitor supply inventory and replenish as needed throughout the year.”

He said the school system purchasing department will maintain frequent contact with vendors to ensure supplies are available.

“We won’t hesitate to stock up as needed,” Holland said.