Salvation Army provides kids a week at Camp Grandview
Published 8:00 am Saturday, August 10, 2019
You can almost hear the laughter and giggles in the picture — these children are just returning from The Salvation Army Camp Grandview in Jasper.
“All the kids can talk about is the fun they had this past week,” said Lieutenant Kirbi Reyes.
These are just some of the 41 children that have attended Camp through The Salvation Army of Thomasville this summer. It is all at no cost to their families- The Salvation Army covers their cabin lodging, meals, snacks, insurance, and activity supplies.
“Campers have their own bed and a guaranteed three hot meals a day, which for some children, that may not be possible at home, especially during the difficult summer months for families,” said Monique Scott, social worker for The Salvation Army of Thomasville.
Located in Jasper, Camp Grandview offers week-long summer camps for different ages and interests. The camp is a vital part of the Army’s commitment to offer all kids a safe haven to play sports, learn music, gain new skills, be mentored and nurture talents. The most important part of camp is that its Bible-based. We have a lot of the kids that come back with a new outlook in life, that propels them toward successes.
“We believe that Camp changes lives. I am a product of The Salvation Army inviting me to Camp. My parents would’ve never been able to afford to send me,” said Lt. Juan Reyes.
Lieutenants Juan and Kirbi Reyes are the current administrators and pastors for the Thomasville location. They are entrusted to oversee the operations and services provided to Brooks, Grady, and Thomas counties. Services such as financial assistance with rent, bills, food, prescription medication, re-housing, clothing and disaster relief, just to mention a few. All of this is only possible through donations in which are giving to the local Salvation Army and avenues such as The United Way.
At the cost of only $200 per child, The Salvation Army is still seeking donors to offset the cost.
“Having served more families this year due to tornados and Hurricane Michael, the number of campers on the list grew exponentially. We took 29 more kids to camp than last year,” said Lt. Kirbi Reyes.
Many of the kids that got to go this summer had never been before, and they are already talking about next year.
“We will be more than glad to take them again,” said Lt. Juan.
Along with the help of the community and donors, The Salvation Army will continue to offer opportunities and services, such as camp to its community. This is not just a one-time need for donations but rather an opportunity to offer lasting hope to one family and one child at a time.
For more ways to help and opportunities to contribute, feel free to visit the Salvation Army’s location (514 N Madison Street, Thomasville, Ga), like it on Facebook, or email or