Rotary Club of Thomasville offers free tax preparation for retired residents
Published 5:03 pm Wednesday, March 19, 2025
THOMASVILLE- “Tax preparation for free” sounds too good to be true, but for nine years Thomasville Rotarians and other community volunteers have been delivering just that to local retired residents with low to moderate income. Since its start the program has served more than 2800 individuals/families and resulted in direct refunds of over $1,820,000 to those people.
Tax-Aid is delivered through a partnership of the IRS, Volunteers in Tax Assistance, Rotary Club of Thomasville, Thomas County Library, Envision Credit Union, Thomas University and community volunteers. It provides tax preparation to individuals whose income is from pensions and/or Social Security.
Rotary Club of Thomasville members Scott Rich and Jason Goldman and other volunteers begin assisting clients in February each year and devote one day a week through the tax season. This year it is expected the program will serve approximately 275 clients with refunds to those served estimated at about $144,200 from Federal & $89,600 from Georgia for a total of approximately $234,000.
Rich, a longtime member of Rotary and past club president, said “the Tax-Aid program fits well with Rotary’s mission of doing good in the community. We’re about serving the community, helping people in need in different ways. Our motto is ‘Service Above Self’ and our members take that motto very seriously.”
Tax-Aid’s free tax preparation is open to retired individuals who meet the eligibility criteria. For those interested in taking advantage of this program, the club welcomes all inquiries and appointments. For more information call (850) 347-5257. Qualified individuals in need to tax assistance also may call Thomas University at (229) 200-4547 for walk-in assistance.
Founded in 1921, the Thomasville club focuses on doing good works in the community, including programs/support for youth, neighbors in need, seniors, first responders, those serving in the military, and other groups. The club also raises funds for the United Way of Thomas County and members support the Rotary Foundation, which impacts lives around the world through projects conceived and carried out by local Rotary clubs. Currently, the club has more than 120 members.