New documentary provides new angle on UFOs
Published 10:19 am Friday, March 14, 2025
Over the last several decades there have been many books, movies, and documentaries created regarding the subject of aliens here on earth. But there’s never been one quite like the brand new installment called “The Age of Disclosure,” which debuted last week to rave reviews.
In it, director Dan Farah focuses all of his attention on 34 senior members of our government, military, and intelligence communities who offer up at least some of what they know about the topic. According to Farah, other officials initially agreed to speak with him but eventually declined.
“Some high-level politicians were afraid of how it might taint their reputation or impact them politically,” he explained. “And some intelligence officials legitimately believed that their lives would be in danger if they participated in the film. After long conversations with their significant others, they decided it just wasn’t worth it. That was eye-opening for me. The more you go down the rabbit hole, it becomes clear really fast that the many decades-long cover-up of the truth has been enforced with threats.”
Farah says that cumulatively those who did speak reveal a near century year cover-up of the existence of non-human life forms seen all around the Earth who possess intelligence far greater than our own. It also exposes an intense but secret battle amongst the major nations of this earth to reverse engineer technology that has been discovered through that cover-up.
The film also explores the potential profound impact the overall situation may have on the future of humanity as a whole, and provides a behind the scenes look and discussion with many who have been at the forefront of a tightly coordinated, across the board effort to hide the truth.
While on the surface all of this sounds almost fantastical, it’s important to keep in mind that Congress here in the United States has had multiple hearings over the last handful of years about Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), better known as UFOs. Those hearings, where many respected officials spoke openly on the record about their own experiences, were the impetus for Farah undertaking this project.
And, it’s interesting to note that military officials in the documentary state that there appears to be documented if not nearly irrefutable evidence of vehicles defying the laws of physics as we know them, some interfering with nuclear and military activity.
And, it is noteworthy that not all of these objects have been found in the sky.
This highly classified information is understandably very difficult to access. However, Farah has diligently worked to speak with people like former defense intelligence agency official and director of the government UAP task force Jay Stratton, as well as high ranking former department of defense official Luis Elizondo.
Even current Secretary of State Marco Rubio speaks as part of the documentary, stating that even the President is on a ‘need to know’ basis regarding many topics regarding UAPs.
Like you, I’m not quite sure what to make of any of that. It is all at once fascinating, scary, and profound. Part of me, of course, is intrigued at the thought that non-human life forms with incredible intelligence far beyond our own are and have been here on our planet, perhaps for far longer than just the 100 or so years. Then, I step back and look at what they may be observing and wonder why they would waste their time here when there just has to be so many more interesting places and civilizations in our universe to observe and visit.
Many of us have had our own encounters. Personally, I had an episode some years back where while driving down the road at night I noticed several clearly defined pools of light moving along the shoulder of the road beside me. My initial thought was it was being caused by streetlights, but most street lights do not have a directional and defined beam of light. I rolled my passenger window down to make sure it wasn’t some kind of reflection and noted there was no noise. By the time I got into position to be able to look up to find the source of these lights they were gone.
I remember even former President Jimmy Carter, about as trustworthy a soul as has walked our planet, reporting seeing a very peculiar-looking light himself in 1973 that didn’t appear to have any solid substance attached to it.
I guess the bottom line is if there are intelligent creatures here using technology far beyond our human understanding observing us or doing whatever it is they’re doing, it’s clear we aren’t in a position to do a whole lot about it. So, with that being the case, being afraid or going into a blind panic about it is counterintuitive.
I go back to a line that Jimmy Carter used when he was asked if he felt such knowledge would cause mass panic and make humanity feel worthless.
“The way I see it, there’s nothing to fear,” he said. “If there is life out there, we are all still part of the same master plan. God’s hands are big enough to hold us both.”