Healing for today
Published 9:33 pm Thursday, February 6, 2025
Do you believe that Jesus died not only to bring forgiveness of all of our sins and transgressions but also for the sicknesses and diseases that have plagued mankind for most of our existence on this Earth? If you only had the four gospels as testimony to what Jesus did while He was here on this earth, there is sufficient evidence that He made healing a major part of His ministry. Not only did He heal everyone who asked Him to – without exception, but He went out of His way to heal people who had not asked Him directly. The man at the pool who had been infirmed for forty years was hoping to be the one who got into the healing waters when the angel stirred the waters. Whether he had heard about Jesus or not, it was Jesus who found him and asked him, “Do you want to be healed?” Jesus crossed over the Sea of Galilee to confront the demons who had tormented and possessed a man for many years. The demons knew what He planned to do – that they would have to find a new host in which to live because Jesus loved this man and wanted him free from their evil torments. When the leper asked Jesus “If you want, you can make me clean”. Jesus said, “I want to.” The widow’s son from Nain had just died and Jesus arrived there at just the time they were going to bury him. Jesus stopped the funeral procession and spoke to the young man, and his spirit returned to his body.
There are many, many examples from the Gospels to assure us that not only did Jesus have the ability to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons, but then He commissioned His followers to go out and do the same. He empowered them to do the very same things He had been demonstrating to them and they did! Even while Jesus was alive, some individuals were doing these signs, wonders, and miracles that were not part of the original twelve apostles or even the seventy that He commissioned to go throughout Israel, proclaiming the Good News, with signs and wonders following them wherever they went. His apostles (John in particular) questioned Him as to whether that was okay, and He assured them that it was! “He that is not against us is for us.” (Mark 9:38-40)
The question many have asked and some are still asking – why are some healed and others are not? Volumes have been written on the subject of healing – with many diverse opinions. I do not begin to claim I have understanding that completely addresses these issues by any means. I am convinced that Jesus died for all of mankind’s sins as well as their sicknesses and diseases. But what I have seen and experienced has not always lined up with what I believe to be the truth.
Even the early church had instances where Paul “left Trophimus in Miletus sick” – he did recover and continued to help Paul in ministry (2 Timothy 4:20) Paul exhorted Timothy to drink a little wine “for his stomach’s sake.” (I Timothy 5:23) Epaphroditus almost died while working with Paul, but God “had mercy on him” and also Paul. (Philippians 2:25; 4:18) It is not that everyone is 100% immune from an attack from our enemy satan, who came to “kill, steal and destroy,” because we see these examples in the scriptures. Paul kept Dr. Luke as one of his traveling companions – how many instances are recorded about the many persecutions Paul endured – beaten, stoned, and shipwrecked numerous times? But, the overwhelming testimony is that Jesus does heal people and many, many testimonies have come forth over the last two thousand years to encourage us today.
I am grateful for the many ways we see healing manifest. Doctors have saved thousands of lives with interventional medical means, but even they have certain limitations. Many doctors will verify a supernatural healing or miracle when it is one of their patients who received their healing in a way that the doctor could not take credit for.
Although it seems as if the attacks on people’s health are at an all-time high as prophesied in the scriptures, I believe it is also a day where we will see more healings and miracles than most of us have witnessed before this season we are now in. Luke 21 is a chapter about the end of this age. Jesus answers His disciples’ questions with a warning to not be led astray. He explains some of the things that will happen before the end of the age. Verse eleven in the Amplified Bible (completed in 1965 – 60 years ago) is very enlightening considering all we have been through recently. “There will be mighty and violent earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences (plagues: malignant and contagious or infectious epidemic diseases which are deadly and devastating); and there will be sights of terror and great signs from heaven.”
Even death has already been defeated. I have lost several friends to death recently that were too young in my opinion. I am reminded of 1 Corinthians 15:55-58. “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” I know that they are perfectly well now and free from these earthly limitations.
I am choosing to dwell on the many scriptures, both Old and New Testament that speak of healing and wholeness. I am expecting to see a revival and a great harvest of not only souls coming to Christ but great signs and wonders to accompany this mighty outpouring of the Spirit of God upon our world. It is a choice each one of us must make for ourselves. Part of the last day’s scenario is “men’s hearts failing them for fear.” We can choose to believe what the Word of God says or we can look at the “facts” surrounding our lives and circumstances and succumb to the fear that will torment us and cause us to doubt God’s goodness and His abundant provisions for us.
If you begin to dwell on the many promises in the scriptures – on healing as well as the many other promises, instead of allowing circumstances and the news to influence not only your thinking and beliefs, you can move from a place of fear, doubt, and unbelief, to a place of trust, faith, and peace – amid the storms of life. That is what I am doing and plan to keep doing – for the rest of my life!