Garrison-Pilcher students spark attention with wins at DAR Junior Citizens Contest
Published 7:20 pm Tuesday, December 26, 2023
- A BEAUTIFUL BANNER: First grade winners in the banner category won 1st place: Rohan Anglin, Olivia Powell, Brooklyn Holloway, Ahmad Wilkinsen, and Raelyn Drew.
THOMASVILLE- Fifteen first grade and 25 second grade Thomas County students from Garrison-Pilcher Elementary School were winners in the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Junior Citizens Contest: “Sparkling in the Stars with the 50th Anniversary of the NASA Space Shuttle Program.” The National Daughters of the American Revolution created the Junior American Citizens Committee to promote good citizenship and appreciation of American heritage and history among every school-age child in the United States. The JAC Committee offers contests in art, creative expression, and community service.
The JAC Committee complimented Thomas County Schools for encouraging its children to participate in the contest and added that what they are learning today will influence the kind of American citizens they will become in the future.