Board approves Active Floor for Scott Elementary

Published 4:03 pm Friday, December 15, 2023

THOMASVILLE- The Thomasville City Schools Board of Education approved a number of purchase orders on Tuesday night during their regular board meeting, including a PowerUpEDU Active Floor at Scott Elementary.

TCS Director of Federal Programs Nathan Espy explained to the Board that he and the 6-12 Director of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Clark Harden viewed a product demonstration at Scott Elementary recently after speaking with a PowerUpEDU representative.

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“We were able to see the Active Floor product in action, along with the Scott faculty and staff,” Espy said. “The product incorporates student movement into math, literacy, science, and social studies content.”

According to PowerUpEDU, the Active Floor allows students to learn and develop intellectually, physically, and socially by using the whole body.

“With an interactive floor, students get an equal approach to auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning,” Espy said.

Active Floor’s software is connected to a library of games that is continuously updated with additional games and game templates, allowing teachers to create their own fun games to help students memorize material and connect concepts through fun activities.

With the purchase of the Active Floor, teachers will receive a ceiling-mounted installation box with a projector and computer, a Kinect camera that tracks movement, and a white vinyl floor that makes up the foundation of the interactive playing area.

Espy highly encouraged the BOE to approve the purchase order and believes it will be a great use of Title 1 funds at Scott. His hope is that all elementary schools will eventually be able to purchase an Active Floor for kids to enjoy learning on.

“Dr. Harden and I felt good about it and the vision for the product and we are excited about it,” Espy said.

Board members agreed with Espy’s assessment of the product and voted to approve the purchase order.