The beauty of indoor plants!

Published 8:39 pm Sunday, December 10, 2023

“December is a month of invitation to forget ourselves in the service of others.” — Robert Louis Stevenson.

“So quiet and subtle is the beauty of December that escapes the notice of many people their whole lives through. Colour gives way to form: every branch distinct, in a delicate tracery against the sky.” — Flora Thompson.

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“If we make it through December, everything’s gonna be alright I know; it’s the coldest time of winter and I shiver when I see the falling snow.” — Merle Haggard.

“December is a month of enormous potential. It’s a time when we can all give and receive, a time when the spirit of humanity shines brightest.” — Michael Josephson.

While you might assume you just don’t have a green thumb, that’s probably not true. The secret to enjoying the beauty of indoor plants while not stressing out about them is to pick the right ones. So if your reason for being a houseplant killer is a forgetful nature or busy lifestyle, grow these 7 indoor plants that only need to be watered once a month, and you’ll soon change your mind!

Snake Plant: A typical indoor plant, the snake plant, also known as Sansevieria trifasciata, is native to Africa and Asia. You’ll recognize it by its evergreen sword-shaped leaves that grow upright, and it almost compares to artificial foliage. These indoor plants are frequently used as home decor, easy to care for, pleasing to the eye, and need very little water to survive. They typically need water every couple of weeks but will survive a month, sometimes more! This plant is a resilient succulent growing anywhere between 6 inches to a few feet. and besides providing a bit of ambiance, snake plants also have a few health benefits which include effectiveness against allergies, filtering indoor air, removing toxic pollutants, and helping boost mental health.

Ponytail Palm: This adorable plant really does look just like a ponytail! As a member of the agave family, it’s drought-tolerant, so it can go quite a few weeks between waterings. This indoor plant’s cascading ponytail of leaves, bulbous trunk, and lovely proportions have made it a favorite among houseplant enthusiasts. It thrives with bright light and can tolerate direct sun all day long. and it’s even content living outdoors in the summertime, where it can soak up the sun all day long! Just remember to bring it back indoors when the night temperatures begin to drop. This slow-growing plant can live for decades with low maintenance requirements, which makes this an ideal addition to your indoor paradise! Being a succulent, this plant can go long without water because its fat trunk stores enough water. For the best care, water it once, about every 20 to 30 days.

String of Pearls: This indoor plant is gorgeous and decorative. The succulent’s strings hang like the lovely strands from its branches, giving it an extravagant look that will liven up your space! It can grow indoors and outside with the proper care. String of Pearls is sensitive to overwatering. The secret here is to put your finger in the soil and inspect for dryness before even thinking about watering again! Typically, you can water it once every couple of weeks or so. One very important thing to keep in mind, though, is that you should find a spot for it and keep it there, out of your child or pet’s reach because the delicate stems break easily.

Aloe: This outdoor and indoor plant is an ancient medicinal plant that’s been treating skin injuries for thousands of years. Besides being stunning, it also helps heal sunburns and other ailments. They’re the ultimate survivalists, which makes them a low-maintenance option. They can survive a couple of weeks without you watering them, thanks to their plump leaves that act like a bag of turf, holding all sorts of goodness, including moisture! This succulent can grow outdoors in warmer climates. For mild burns, split open one of the outer leaves and pat the gel-like substance on your affected area.

ZZ Plant: These plants are distinguished by their wide, shiny, oval-shaped leaves that shoot upward and grow indoors fast. The plant is native to East Africa, namely Tanzania and Zanzibar. It’s also called Zanzibar gems for its pristine, waxy leaves that are such a vibrant green color that occasionally, these indoor plants are mistaken for being fake. The ZZ plant is a tough little plant that flourishes in all corners of the world. In general, you should water it about every 20 to 30 days.

Spider Plant: Even though they have a creepy-crawly name, spider plants are among the most popular growing houseplants. If grown indoors, these warm-weather perennials can survive less-than-perfect conditions. They’ll grow even better if you can mimic their native tropical environment by providing humid air and warm temperatures. A handy spray bottle works miracles! Their leaves can be striped green and white or green. Older plants regularly send out long stems that carry small, star-shaped flowers. Once the flowers fall off, tiny little baby plants form in their place, ultimately growing other roots and can be cut off to create newly potted plants. During spring and summer, water this indoor plant once every couple of weeks. You should water it once in 20 to 30 days in colder weather.

Cast Iron Plant: The cast-iron plant has earned a reputation for being a hard-to-kill houseplant and a beautiful outdoor vegetation plant within its growing zones. This indoor plant can survive any growing conditions and neglect that would typically destroy many other plants. It has deep green, arching, lance-shaped, glossy leaves that can reach as high as about 2 feet long and 4 inches wide. If grown outdoors, they may produce a few cream and purple flowers near their base. But the blossoms usually don’t appear when you grow this plant indoors. Let it dry a bit between waterings for best results. Soak the plant only when the top layer is completely dry.

This fact sheet is by The Home Team ( Continue your daily reading the Book of Luke (24 chapters) in the Bible to learn and understand who and why we celebrate Christmas. Christmas is about Jesus and His love, and in these chapters you will read an entire account of Jesus’ life. Have a blessed week and continue to enjoy December!

“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14. “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” Daniel 12:3. When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life.” John 8:12. “Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man.” Psalm 112:4. “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9.