A call on the legislators to follow the law

Published 12:08 pm Thursday, August 24, 2023

To whom it may concern:

We call on our Georgia state legislators to call an Emergency Special Session to save Georgia elections in time for our 2024 primary and general elections. Judge Totenberg at The U.S. District Court found on October 11, 2020, that the Dominion Voting System, that was used in the November 2020 election, is unverifiable to the voter and in violation of two Georgia statues. Our Governor and Secretary of State are standing firm that they will move forward with the illegal Dominion voting machines in the November 2024 Election. Their excuse is that the machines are safe and accurate, but that has been proven false by the 96-page Halderman Report.

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We want to dump Dominion and put paper ballots in place. There is no chance that the paper ballots will cost more than using the very costly Dominion machines. We recently held a demonstration by GeorgiansforTruth.org that showed us the process used to count votes using paper ballots. You can’t tell me that Georgia is saving money by spending millions of dollars using the Dominion machines that are hackable and give corrupt politicians the opportunity to fix elections. Paper ballots are the only process we can use that will show the electorate how they voted and will secure our election. The cost of “paper” doesn’t even come close to what is spent every time the Dominion machines are used for elections. Please help us make Georgia’s electoral process accurate again! Tell your state legislators that you want to see our 2024 Election follow the law!

Thank you for your consideration,

Mary Gebbia

Lowndes County GOP