The Vashti Center partners with The Second Harvest of South Georgia for a food giveaway for children

Published 2:31 pm Thursday, August 17, 2023

THOMASVILLE- On Saturday, August 12, 2023, The Vashti Center and The Second Harvest of South Georgia partnered for a food giveaway for children on the campus of The Vashti Center. The organizations gave away 134 Georgia Nutrition Assistance Program (GNAP) boxes of nonperishable food to families in Thomasville and surrounding counties with children, along with information about community resources.

South Georgia metrics regarding food insecurity and hunger are not dismal. Food insecurity is defined as a lack of consistent access to adequate food due to a lack of money and other resources for a period of time. One in four children in South Georgia live in homes where having enough food is a struggle every day, and one in five people of all ages in South Georgia don’t know where they will obtain their next meal. Termed “food insecurity,” the inability to access affordable, nutritious food conveniently is a daily struggle for more than 130,000 citizens in this area of the state.

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The Vashti Center focuses specifically on how food insecurity can harm mental health and wellness, especially in young people. Food can have a significant impact on one’s mental health wellness, because it affects the brain chemistry, emotions, and cognition. Nutritious food can improve one’s mood, well-being, and cognitive function. With this in mind, The Vashti Center looks forward to partnering with The Second Harvest of South Georgia again in the future to continue on their focus of mental wellbeing.