A rebuttal to the proposed city property tax
Published 5:11 pm Sunday, August 13, 2023
Dear Editor:
Thomasville “announces” property tax update(?) read the headlines in the Times Enterprise dated Wednesday August 2, 2023! Announces? How quaint! I was of the impression we were represented by elected officials who are willing to bring the most important issues we face to the public’s attention way prior to any decision that would be made (voted on) to have open discussions/debates, etc.? That article was not presented to the Times Enterprise without at least the tacit agreement of the need for this needless property tax of all five council members.
For such a monumental issue to be treated in this “Let them eat cake” attitude is a bit concerning, if not downright insulting.
So let me preface what I am about to say with this. One of my proudest accomplishments while serving on the city council was bringing Alan Carson on board as city manager of our fine city. His qualifications were far and beyond all the other applicants. And let me add, for a city with all the attributes we have to offer, the applicants were lined up for miles! I recall when reviewing resumes for the city manager position, one of the council persons who had way more experience in city government than me stated, “This resume is almost too good to be true,” in referring to Mr. Carson’s resume and other written materials provided to the council members during our search for a city manager. He was subsequently offered the position in a 5-0 vote by the council at the time. My position on the job he has done thus far has not changed one iota! But on this issue, as with very few other positions over the past years, he and I don’t agree.
Having said all that, the article referred to above mentions “the introduction of a property tax will provide financial stability for the community.” The city of Thomasville has no issues whatsoever with financial stability. The city of Thomasville is one of the wealthiest cities in the state of Georgia! And has been for quite some time. Probably since its inception. We operate on an annual budget of around $130,000,000.00 (130 million dollars) annually! That’s correct! One hundred thirty million dollars annually to operate city services in a town of around 18,000 population! That operation has been funded since 1998 in large part, and 100% beginning 2012 with revenues generated by our utilities department. That was a plan conceived of and gradually implemented by previous city leaders decades ago! It was a somewhat unique but enviable business plan that called for our city owned utility service company to provide all funding required for all city services not paid covered by fees, etc. collected by the other departments. It has worked extremely well! I will add this from my personal experience, travels, dealings with other municipalities on these and other issues. Thomasville and its city operations are the envy of the entire state! When we (council members) would attend various training sessions around the state, almost every issue brought up as to city operations, the instructor very frequently referred to our, Thomasville’s, business model as an exemplary one to be emulated when possible.
Further, the article references the difficulty of raising utility rates vs a new property tax that hasn’t existed for decades! That’s akin to the proposition of which gun barrel do you prefer me to point to your head as we ask you to consider your options? So let me just point out first that the city of Thomasville utility rates, specifically electric rates are extremely competitive. And traditionally fall into the under 50% category when compared to all other electrical providers in the State of Georgia. And still, those funds are and have been the financial lifeblood of our fine city without the need for a city property tax for decades! So second let me just point out that if this property tax gets voted on and passed, UTILITY RATES WILL NOT BE REDUCED!!!.
Also, it has been alluded to in other conversations that the brunt of any such tax would hit property owners only. Not affecting the large number or persons who rent rather than own their homes? Absolutely not true! Most landlords own multiple properties, i.e. apartment complexes, etc. It’s a business, period! They will pass on the costs incurred by any such property tax with an increase in rent! It’s Business class 101.
And, the article would have been remiss had it not alluded to our most sacred entities, that is Public Safety! May as well strike fear in the hearts of readers! We all cherish these services and the heroes that provide them and would never consider not adequately funding those entities in the future as we have in the past. I will challenge the city manager, the city council or the heads of our police department or fire department to say on the record that the public safety we pay for and expect will be reduced in any shape form or fashion if this unnecessary tax is imposed by a vote of the city council! I’ll wait?
So my last point for now is this. Only $300 tax on a $150,000.00 property? How generous! Let me remind the council, I don’t care how much it is! It is OUR MONEY!! You want to wave a magic wand (vote) and take many more millions of dollars out of our pockets? Do your job! Cut costs! Find more efficient ways to deliver the services expected of you! You have a top notch city manager and you have enabled him to have a top notch staff!! You all are better than this! Issue the challenge and I’ll guarantee you your staff will respond!
Did I say last point? One more. I have full faith and confidence in Mr. Carson and the staff he has surrounded himself with. But I compare him to a very well trained and accomplished CEO of the city/business we all know and love. And like any good CEO, he/she should be right in their decision making about 97%(+) of the time. However, on those rare occasions that he is mistaken, it is the duty of the Board of Directors, the City Council to do their duty and gently drive the CEO and staff in another direction. Take this proposed property tax off the table, now!
Last one, I promise. I’ve been there. I know how the council works. Start contacting any or preferably every one of your council members today!! Don’t wait until the public hearings but do attend those as well. Ultimately, the buck stops with them. They are all honest sincere public servants and they do care what you think and say. You can make a difference!
Respectfully submitted,
David Hufstetler