EDITORIAL: Take heat seriously

Published 4:00 am Wednesday, June 28, 2023

It’s hot.

And temperatures are expected to get even hotter this week.

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Forecasts show temperatures rising into the mid 90s and beyond this week and into next week. Heat indices will make it feel even hotter.

We’ve already experienced temperatures rising above the century mark earlier this summer but the 90s are no less serious and potentially dangerous.

Take precautions to protect yourself from the heat.

– Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water.

– Eat light. Heavy meals can be harder to digest in the heat.

– Take frequent rest breaks in shade or air conditioning.

– Look before you lock your vehicles. Never leave a baby, senior or pet locked in a car, even for a few minutes.

– Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose clothing.

– Bring pets indoors or provide shade and plenty of water.

Watch out for heat-related conditions.

Heat exhaustion: Faint or dizzy. Excessive sweating. Cool, pale, clammy skin. Nausea or vomiting. Rapid, weak pulse. Muscle cramps.

If someone is experiencing heat exhaustion, get them to a cooler, air-conditioned place, have them drink water if fully conscious and get them to take a cool shower or use cold compresses.

Heat Stroke: Throbbing headache, confusion. No sweating. Body temperature above 103 with red, hot, dry skin. Nausea or vomiting. Rapid, strong pulse. May lose consciousness.

If someone is experiencing a heat stroke, call 911 immediately and move the person to a cooler place, cool using cool cloths or bath and do not give them anything to drink.

We urge people to take the heat warnings seriously.

This editorial first appeared in The Valdosta Daily Times.