The 2nd Amendment is for the protection of law-abiding Americans

Published 5:18 pm Monday, May 8, 2023

The Supreme Court ruled on June 23, 2022 that citizens have the right to receive a license to carry a firearm.  The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to promote peace, prosperity, and liberty, both by protecting one’s life and property from invaders and lawfully resisting a tyrannical government.

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In every case where gun confiscation took place, citizens lost rights to a tyrannical government.  Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, and Mao confiscated guns and the result was millions of people being killed.

Many Americans may not know that our own government supplied guns to the Mexican drug cartels during the Obama administration known as “Fast and Furious”.  As a result, Border Agent Brian Terry was murdered by our own weapons supplied to the cartels.  Why were American firearms provided to the Mexican drug cartels?  When congress subpoenaed Attorney General Eric Holder to testify, he refused and was held in Contempt of Congress.  Was there an orchestrated plan to have firearms used by the Mexican drug cartels to ignite a plan within those in Washington to persuade public opinion to remove firearms from the American people and thereby dismantling the 2nd Amendment?

All Americans should be concerned about a tyrannical government using emotion to remove law abiding citizens from possessing a firearm.  There are millions of citizens who are responsible and follow gun laws. In the same way, there are millions of citizens who are responsible and follow the laws of the road.  Just because there are a few irresponsible people out there driving, we don’t punish the responsible people by taking away their driving privileges.  This definitely applies to law-abiding citizens who have a firearm.  Just because some irresponsible person used a firearm, the millions of responsible people should not be penalized by gun laws that would take away that right.  I would even go further that the United States Constitution provides more of a legal right to carry a firearm than it does for driving since the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees that Right to Bear Arms.  There are politicians who want to slowly erode that right by limiting which types of firearms citizens should be allowed to carry, such as assault weapons.  The responsible citizens should never be limited.  Law-abiding citizens should continue to enjoy their Right to Bear Arms.   Expanding and securing Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, including assault weapons, is the best proposal to prevent or limit potential effects of mass shootings in America.

Democrat solutions to limit or ban firearms are arbitrary, ineffective, and violate the constitution right to bear arms.  There has been the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, the Public Safety and Recreational Use Protection Act.  All these laws have been “feel good” laws.  However, they only affected the law-abiding citizen where the citizen must abide.  One must realize when you limit law-abiding citizens of those rights, then those who don’t abide by the laws, such as criminals or others, will have those weapons with the potential to do more damage, mayhem, and death.

Another “feel good” law by Democrats are “Gun Free Zones”, particularly near schools.  In the article, “The Deadly Failure of Gun Free Zones” by Alex Kincaid on July 18, 2015, congress established the “Gun Free Zone” law in 1990 as a “feel good” law.  However, the “Gun Free Zone” only created a new venue for killers to set their targets. Since the law, there have been more deadly killings in “Gun Free Zones” than prior to the law.  Nine of the ten most deadly school shootings occurred after the law while there were only two such killings in the previous 20 years prior to the law.  

The same Democrats barking to ban guns are the same Democrats who are letting criminals out of jail.  Aaron Bandler pointed out after the Washington DC gun ban of 1976, there was an increase in annual homicides.   Zachary Faria of the Washington Times revealed there was a 2,000 percent surge in murders in Portland, Oregon after the city limited funding to the police department.  When the police are unable to do their job to protect the people, then the people must have the necessary resources provided by our constitutional right to defend themselves.

In the mind of a liberal, more guns will lead to more shooting; but have you ever heard of a shooting at a gun show or an NRA event?  When responsible people have firearms, they are able to protect themselves from those who would consider doing harm.  

We need to expand gun rights to law-abiding citizens and train more citizens how to properly handle a firearm in order to prevent or limit the potential event of a mass shooting in America. The more responsible Americans with firearms, the more we will be safe as a society.

-Frank Aquila