Tuckers partake in 46th Annual Reenactment of the Battle of Olustee

Published 9:54 am Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Bruce and Sheila Tucker, from the Sandhill Community outside of Pavo, have been reenacting for more than 20 years. They both appreciate performing in Living Histories, and helping to preserve southern history. Sheila is a member of John B. Gordon chapter 383 UDC. She usually portrays a southern belle of the 1860’s or a nurse by the battlefield. Bruce portrays a Quarter Master Sergeant for the Confederacy and Union. He is a charter member of the 61st GA Infantry, Co C, C.S.A. They recently returned from the 46th Annual Reenactment of the Battle of Olustee, which is located outside of Lake City, Florida. This was in commemoration of the 159th Anniversary of Florida’s largest Battle of the War Between the States at the Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park.

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Olustee Battlefield is one of the few locations where annual reenactments are held on and around the original site where a Civil War battle took place. The Florida Park Service has been working with the Osceola National Forest to ensure the protection of this historical site, while maintaining an event for the public.

The Reenactment was held February 17-19, 2023. During this time, school children and special other groups were met with tours and medical demonstrations on Friday. These include 10-minute living history presentations. At night, an old fashioned barn dance was provided under the ball tent.

Each day the morning began with Colors at the Museum/Monument Field. All Units attended which included : The Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery,etc.

Saturday, presentations were made which included : Frederick Douglass talk,  “How People of Color Served During the Civil War” and Harriet Tubman Escape Stories. There was a period music concert held at the Battlefield prior to the battle. Also,  a ladies’ social tea was held under the ball tent. Everyone present at the tea were dressed in period clothing. During the afternoon, a Battle reenactment was performed out on the Battlefield . Visitors that came to watch were seated in stands so they could see the entire field and wooded areas where fighting went on. That night the Battle of Olustee Ball was held under the ball tent. Only the reenactors in period clothing attended this event.

Sunday, there were two areas where reenactors and visitors could attend period church. The church services were held by reneactors who were pastors. A Union Monument Ceremony was held at the Union Monument. Authentic campsites were open to the public during the weekend. Throughout the morning, visitors could see Cavalry Drills. After the Battle, a formal retreat was performed for Final Volley.

Next year will be a special commemoration. It will be the 47th Annual Battle of Olustee Reenactment, which is the 160th Anniversary of the real battle. The dates for next year will be February 16-18, 2024.

The Tuckers enjoy performing Living Histories by helping people remember important parts of this country’s past. It gives people a hands-on type of learning.