Great Georgia Pollinator Census coming to Pebble Hill
Published 6:09 am Tuesday, August 2, 2022
- KIDS CAN COUNT TOO: Kids are encouraged to attend the Great Southeast Pollinator Census at Pebble Hill Plantation and help count the number of pollinators on various flowers.
Georgia residents will have the opportunity to help researchers find out what’s the buzz with insect pollinators in their state. Pebble Hill Plantation in Thomasville, Georgia will be hosting The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension’s Great Georgia Pollinator Census on Aug. 19 and 20 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. During this historical initiative, participants will record the numbers and types of pollinators that populate our state. The event is designed for all ages, and attendees do not have to be an expert to participate.
Taking part is easy —and free. Participants will choose their favorite pollinator plant in the Pebble Hill Kitchen Garden and count how many pollinators they observe for 15-minutes. The Pebble Hill staff will then assist counters by submitting their count data on the census website:
In the 2021 statewide census, 5,941 people representing 116 counties participated and collected close to 111,743 insect visit observations. Additionally, 436 new sustainable pollinator gardens were created as part of the project. Data collected for the pollinator census is currently being used by UGA researchers for economic valuation studies of pollination. Some are also used in classrooms for student projects. The plan is to grow the census each year, continuing to educate Georgia citizens and adding more participants and pollinator habitat.
Participation in the Great Georgia Pollinator Census at Pebble Hill’s Kitchen Garden is free for guests of all ages. Parking is available at the Pebble Hill Learning Center, directly across from the Kitchen Garden.
Participants should wear appropriate clothes for warm weather and bring plenty of water. If guests would like to explore the rest of Pebble Hill’s beautiful grounds or enjoy a picnic lunch, please visit the Pebble Hill Visitors’ Center to purchase grounds tour tickets.
For more information on the University of Georgia’s Great Georgia Pollinator Census, visit
Pebble Hill Plantation is a historic home with a history dating back to the early 1800s. The plantation was established by one of Thomas County’s founders, Thomas Jefferson Johnson. At the turn of the 20th century, the Hanna family of Cleveland, Ohio purchased the property and enjoyed it as winter home and sporting estate. Pebble Hill has been open for tours since October 1983 due to the generosity of its last owner, Elisabeth “Pansy” Ireland Poe, who willed that her property be opened to the public. Listed in the National Register of Historic Places, Pebble Hill offers visitors the chance to learn the rich history of this historic site and the people who once lived and worked here. For more information, visit the Pebble Hill website, call 229-226-2344, or visit us on Facebook and Instagram using @pebblehillplantation.