Living with a lingering virus among those who keep it going

Published 8:59 am Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Dear Editor,

Although many are denying it by the way they are living, the COVID pandemic is far from over. With over 60% in Thomas County, Southwest Georgia, and statewide refusing the vaccine and thus depending on the vaccinated minority to help protect them against the virus, it is becoming a schism between those who are vaccinated and those who are not, choosing to continue as a potential host for the virus. And when we are shopping in public places now, do you think the unvaccinated 60% of shoppers are wearing masks as they should be? The answer is “no,” because it’s easy to see the unvaccinated are simply taking advantage of looser mask rules, and a significant percentage are not wearing masks, inviting the virus to attack. 

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Living in a free country has certain limits when community health is the issue, and that’s why Georgia law requires certain immunizations for children entering school. So far, the COVID vaccine is not required by law, but nobody can say what the future holds as the virus variants continue to spread and kill our citizens. 

You wouldn’t refuse to be rescued from drowning, yet refusing the lifesaving vaccine is the same thing when you leave yourself open to possible death. It appears COVID will live with us for a while, thriving on the unvaccinated and children under 12 who are too young to get the shot; of course, the vaccine is free for those 12 and over, so I urge the unvaccinated to get the shot as quickly as possible. It is not political, but rather a choice of life or death. With such a low vaccination rate in our county, region, and state, it seems logical that there must be a change in unrestricted public movement of unvaccinated and unmasked citizens. No one can say what will happen, but my bet is on stronger enforcement to bring COVID down to a trickle of cases rather than the flowing stream of disease and death we have today. It’s ridiculous that after more than six months, more than 60% of citizens are still not immunized. 

Ask yourself the obvious question, “Do I want COVID or do I want the free vaccine?” Your choice is critical and could dictate whether you live or die. 

Grant Plymel
