City’s grant, loan could put Remington improvements into another gear
Published 10:30 am Wednesday, July 29, 2020
It’s been three years in the making — and there is still a ways to go before the finish line. But the City of Thomasville’s recent grant and loan to help an important and heavily-traveled stretch is good news.
The City of Thomasville has been awarded a $1 million Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank grant and can get an additional $2.1 million low-interest loan to help fund the project.
The work will be done on the stretch of Remington from East Pinetree Boulevard to Kern Street, and then from Kern Street to Smith Avenue.
For those who have driven on Remington on that Pinetree to Kern stretch, improvements are welcome.
The city sought and received input from residents, holding discovery walks and putting together a streetscape advisory committee. The walks and the advisory committee were done in 2019 but the roots of the project can be found during a 2017 city retreat that looked at projects potentially funded through the 2018 special local option sales tax referendum. The city’s 10-year comprehensive plan outlined support for Remington Avenue improvements.
The goal is to make that stretch from East Pinetree to Smith safer, not just for motorists but for pedestrians and bicyclists too. Intersections will be improved and hopefully made safer, and school kids will have safe places to cross the street.
Work on the project is expected to take 12 to 18 months. It will cover 1.5 miles when it’s done.
We certainly hope that the finished project meets its worthwhile aims and hope the finish is in sight.