Time to get ready for the change in the weather

Published 8:00 am Friday, January 31, 2020

The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency is urging Georgians to get ready for Severe Weather Preparedness Week.

The week starts Monday and as we have seen far too often in southwest Georgia, severe weather can strike at any time and with devastating effect. As spring approaches, the warmer weather also can bring a greater chance to storms. 

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That’s why Severe Weather Preparedness Week is important for all Georgians and particularly those in our part of the state. 

Monday will be Family Preparedness/NOAA Weather Radio Day. The GEMA advises buying a NOAA weather radio and having an out-of-state contact to call if your family gets separated because of a storm. 

Tuesday is Thunderstorm Safety, and learning the difference between a thunderstorm watch — when conditions are conducive to a storm — and a thunderstorm warning — when a storm is at hand.   

Wednesday is Tornado Safety and learning what to do in case of a tornado. Thursday is Lightning Safety and becoming familiar with the 30/30 rule. The GEMA advises that if after seeing lightning you cannot count to 30 before hearing thunder, go indoors and stay indoors for at least 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder. Friday is Flood Safety Day. The GEMA recommends copying important documents and sealing them in a watertight container. 

If you have a business or organization, it is a good idea to have a severe weather plan in place. It isn’t just for homes and schools.

Visit gema.georgia.gov/plan-prepare/ready-georgia for more ideas and ways to get ready for storm season and follow @GeorgiaEMA on Twitter for tips and information.