A congratulations to those pursuing a healthier way of living

Published 8:00 am Friday, January 3, 2020

The new year is underway and that means resolutions are on the table. 

Many of the resolutions people put forth center around losing weight or getting into better shape or finding a healthier way to life. They are all commendable endeavors. 

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Some people, however, have taken a big step already for better health and a healthier lifestyle. They were part of the Live Better Fit initiative, which concluded last month. 

Under the auspices of Archbold Medical Center, the Live Better Fit program was a 25-week wellness program. Together with local gyms and fitness facilities, the participants embarked on a new path for a more active lifestyle and toward a healthier outcome.

The effects of obesity are manyfold. The obesity rates, particularly in south Georgia, are alarming. More than 30% of adults in Georgia are classified as obese, according to Centers for Disease Control statistics, and for non-Hispanic black adults, that figure tops 35%. 

The CDC also found that obesity decreases with levels of education. Across the U.S., adults without a high school degree or equivalent were much more likely to be considered obese (35%) as those who are college graduates (24.7%). Also, young adults were half as likely to be obese as were middle-aged adults, according to the CDC. 

The numbers of kids are equally startling — the State of Childhood Obesity reports that 16% of Georgia kids ranging in age from 10-17 are obese.

How much of an impact does obesity have on your health? The CDC states that obesity-related conditions include heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. The cost, in dollars, each year is 147 billion.

The Live Better effort is considering a second cohort to go through Live Better Fit. It made such a difference to one of the participants that they brought their daughter to the conclusion celebration to see its impact.

We applaud the folks who started Live Better Fit and especially those who made it all the way through. We hope their commitment to a healthier lifestyle becomes an example for those around them as well and for those who may follow in their footsteps.