Giving a pat on the back to those who give to others

Published 8:00 am Saturday, December 21, 2019

In our season of giving, we take our time to commend two efforts that show the spirit of Christmas and the holiday season.

One is annual event, the Shop With a Yellow Jacket, where teams of Thomas County Central High School students take kids in need on a little shopping spree. The band and cheerleaders are there to welcome the little shoppers and get them in the holiday spirit. 

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They complete the day with helping the little ones wrap the gifts — the kids going shopping invariably look for gifts for their families first and not for themselves — and there are cookies and stockings to make afterward.

Earlier this week, Project Backyard heard a Harper Elementary School teacher’s call for assistance in providing bicycles for some the students. With the help of some other organizations and local businesses, what was a $6,000 goal to buy bicycles became $20,000 raised to buy bikes for Harper students. 

The bikes were put together and delivered earlier this week, much to the delight of the kids — and the adults who helped bring this together.

Events such as Shop With a Yellow Jacket and the Harper bike giveaway help remind us that is nobler to give than to receive. All those involved with those efforts — and to those whose efforts to brighten the Christmas of others aren’t as heralded — receive our utmost gratitude and appreciation.