Cast your ballot for the right reasons
Published 8:00 am Tuesday, December 3, 2019
This week’s city elections are all about Cairo and Thomasville.
It is not about Atlanta Democrats
It is not about the GOP.
It is most certainly not about President Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
It is not even about new voting machines.
We hope voters will not be distracted by all the noise around this city election and will not be dissuaded from casting their votes.
Early voting turnout for this runoff election has been OK.
It hasn’t been horrific.
It hasn’t been good.
It has just been OK, at least for us.
We can do better. We can do a lot better and we should.
This is a nonpartisan election with no Ds, Rs or Is beside the candidate’s name.
This election must not turn into an exercise in partisan politics.
Who is best poised to help each city move forward with both vision and pragmatism?
So, it is important that voters cast informed ballots and vote for all the right reasons, making this more than a popularity contest.
Now it is up to us to hire the best person for the job.
Review their qualifications, their experiences, their temperament and their overall records. Then, go to the polls Tuesday and make the choice that is best.
Election Day is Tuesday. The polls will be open from 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
Go vote.