Harper students meet with city government
Published 2:14 pm Friday, September 15, 2017
- Mayor pro tem Don Sims, right, takes questions from Harper Elementary second graders about city government.
THOMASVILLE — The Thomasville City Council chambers turned into a classroom for Harper Elementary School second graders.
All three second grade classes at the city school met with city council members Thursday morning.
The youngsters, clad in their Harper shirts, met with Thomasville Mayor Greg Hobbs and mayor pro tem Don Sims to ask the city officials questions and get a lesson in how city government operates.
Hobbs explained how city council meetings are conducted and the city’s different committees and departments and discussed “everybody working together and doing their part.”
Sims noted the importance of a quorum and a meeting being conducted in public, among other different factors of city government.
Harper second graders — taught by Lisa Lyons, Whitney Spivey and Zana Spell — practiced asking questions in the classroom before meeting the city officials.
Reporter Jordan Barela can be reached at (229) 226-2400, ext. 1826.